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Our vision

To create a supportive and collaborative community for IQVIA employees who represent racial, ethnic and cultural minorities across the globe.

We will contribute to driving healthcare forward by supporting local communities and highlighting health inequalities among ethnic minorities.

Our mission

This community will support its members through professional and personal development opportunities such as:

Celebrating different cultures and highlighting the
experiences of employees across
race, ethnicity and cultural heritages

Educating employees about health disparities that
face ethnic minority groups and work to help close the gaps

Engaging with local schools and universities
to raise awareness of STEM careers among ethnic minorities

Enhancing the knowledge and skills of our members
so they can continue to provide the best,
culturally appropriate and innovative solutions to our customers

Helping to maintain a diverse and
 inclusive environment across IQVIA

Join the IQVIA Talent Network

Register now and we’ll reach out when positions that match your career interests become available.

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